Contact us
162-164 Gilnahirk Road, Belfast, BT5 7QQ
Contact Details
Phone: 028 90796005
Please show consideration for pedestrians by not parking on the footpath.
We ask all our clients to be extra careful when driving or manoeuvring their vehicle in the vicinity of the clinic. It can be very busy at time for both motorists and pedestrians especially at school times.
Opening times
Monday: 8:40 AM - 6:30 PM
Tuesday: 8:40 AM - 6:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:40 AM - 6:30 PM
Thursday: 8:40 AM - 6:30 PM
Friday: 8:40 AM - 6:30 PM
Saturday: 8:40 AM - 12:40 PM
Weekdays closed between 1:15pm to 1:45pm
Join the Gortlands
Changing vets sounds daunting but at Gortlands we’ve made it as simple and straightforward as possible.
If you would like us to care for your pet please give us a call so that we can create a record for your pet and answer any questions you may have.
If your pet has been registered elsewhere we can, with your permission, contact your previous practice to obtain your pet’s medical history. This allows our vets to have a good understanding of any ongoing health issues and to offer continuity of care for your pets.
We would then recommend that you book in for a consultation with one of our vets so they can check your pet and discuss any health issues they may have. We carry a wide range of medicines so can continue to dispense any medications your pet needs.
If you have any questions please call us on 028 90 796005. Our trained staff are here to help make the process easy and stress free so you can concentrate your attention on your furry friends.